Criminal Trial Attorney Orlando, FL

At Anthony J. Stonick Attorney at Law, we have extensive experience handling criminal trial cases of all sorts. The legal team of Anthony J. Stonick Attorney at Law handles a broad range of cases for our clients in and around Orlando.

The legal team at Anthony J. Stonick Attorney at Law wants to help you through your criminal trial trial. We commit to helping our Orlando area clients through every step of the process, providing them with the fine details of their case and procedure. We at Anthony J. Stonick Attorney at Law are here to assist you with your criminal trial case and provide the best representation we can.

Criminal trial lawyers and prosecutors may often stand on opposite sides of court, but what they almost always share is a devotion to their client’s due process. At Anthony J. Stonick Attorney at Law, our criminal trial position is to weaken the prosecutor’s case by finding its cracks. Searching for flaws allows our legal team to seek dismissals of charges, plea agreements, and victories in Orlando area courts. At Anthony J. Stonick Attorney at Law, our approach consists of thorough analysis and exhaustive investigation in discovering ways to strengthen your case.

Get legal help today!

Anthony J. Stonick Attorney at Law is here to make sure your rights are observed and respected while you go through your criminal trial case. We provide legal aid and guidance to clients throughout the Orlando area. Do not hesitate to give us a call today at (305) 324-7888, or to visit our offices at 93911 Overseas Highway . 

Anthony J. Stonick Attorney at Law
93911 Overseas Highway
Tavernier, FL 33070
(305) 324-7888

The Florida BAR


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